ThE worLd Of LiNs

ThE worLd Of LiNs

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Items for sale- Original Homemade Crafts

Here is the list/photos of the stock that I still have left that is for sale...Feel free to make any offers or barter prices thank you LinseyLouCreations <3 X

The sets of small hanging hearts have 5 in a row hanging and are £6.50, the brooches are £3.oo each the other Items prices are listed in the photos.

Monday 6 December 2010

Christmas Craft fair

After 6 weeks of hard work,pin pricked fingers and organising the craft went well!!! Thank you to those of you who came along, especially those of you who made some purchases :-)

This was my first craft fair, on arrival I was slightly daunted as many crafters had grabbed most of the tables...which resulted on us having two very small tables...I was slightly annoyed by this...and after fluttering my eye lashes at the male organiser, I managed to get us one of the biggest tables....

It took a while to arrange and set up the table...but once the final touches were made it looked great...all in all I enjoyed the day smiling at people, chatting, eating cupcakes, talking loudly to old people and seeing friends...

The craft fair was to raise awareness of St.Lukes Hospice, a great charity that helps families through the difficult time of close relatives who are suffering from cancer, something which is very close to me as my Aunty Chrissy passed away on the 4/12/10 due to cancer <3 Xx

Me and Helen pride our work on being homemade...which many of our customers commented on...I still have some Christmas stock left ...such as heart brooches, hanging hearts, star blankets so if you still have friends, family that you need to buy presents for please e-mail me on Thanks

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Crimbo Craft Update

I have been very busy this week finishing off my final christmas crafts ready for the craft fair this weekend. last Friday I visited tavistock, Devon with my boyfriend late night shopping I managed to find some decent gift tags that I can now add my name and prices on.

I also found in Bristol some very nice blue fleece blankets, I decided to customise them adding appliqued patterened stars on. I also purchased some small cushions that I have added butterfly silhouette's on in different patterned materials.

All in all I have a small collection of fabric brooches, small hanging hearts, individual big hanging hearts, blankets and cushions + Some small heart christmas tree decorations.

Although being busy with making crafts, I have also Seen Ellie Goulding live, been to parties, ate good food, watched DVDs + watched friends getting baptised on the beach :-)

I look forward to seeing some of you at the craft fair <3

Thursday 4 November 2010

MaDe WiTh LoVe

Align Left

Due to many weeks of pure distraction... you may have noticed a lack of updating recently!!!


This morning I woke up with a new found energy and enthusiasm...having woke up at 7am I got straight on with the crafts for Christmas collection that I am making with a friend Helen. We have a craft stool in the Roland Lavinsky building,Plymouth Uni, uk, on the 5th of December.

Many of the items I have made created are made with Laura Ashley materials ....all thanks to very generous people such as Naomi Mason X....

Here is a taster of what is to come .... enjoy!!

If you would like to purchase any of the items you see please e-mail on

All small heart hanging seem on this post are £7.00, Single small hearts are £3.00

Monday 27 September 2010

Cracking on with Christmas!!

Having spent a little too much time thinking and gathering ideas for my christmas collection, I have finally started to crack on with making the first set on indivdual hanging hearts....I have made 5 in total today plus some more fabric brooches all in all it has been a good start.

In order to make sure I have enough stock for the Christmas craft fairs/car boots I hope my motivation and fast past will continue...

Any encouragement or comments that will keep me making/creating are welcome...thank you to those of you who have recently given me more ideas for crafts....its looking like christmas bunting could be the next project ( Thanks Amy)...

Anyone who is experiencing problems with leaving comments on this blog page please either write on my FB wall or e-mail me on


Tuesday 21 September 2010

Catching up... tea,cake + Craft

Today after riding into town on my bike and collecting my thoughts walking around town, I visited my craft buddy Helen!!!

On arrival I was offered a cup of tea in one of Helens very nice Kath kidston cups, carrott cake buns + a warm smiley welcome. Helen I are creating handmade crafts to sell at Christmas, we will be based in the cornwall,devon area! You may find us selling our gifts at various carboots/crafts fairs....details of dates + times will be posted soon.

Over the last 2 weeks, I have been thinking about various ideas for christmas crafts and have been gathering different materials, inspiration from shops etc

I also find inspiration when hanging around with good friends, walking,riding my bike,reading,listening to music and generally my everyday life activities....

any christmas craft ideas would be welcome!!! Please comment below or e-mail me on

Monday 6 September 2010

Free Funky Material

After receiving a free 30ich television and DvD player from my local church Waterfront ( NewFrontiers) my faith in people and good heartedness has been restored....not only did I receive this as a free gift, BUT...I have also been given lots of fab fabrics ...

As any eager creative/textilely person out there would know...this can lead to all kinds of new inventions and ideas.... With all this new material I can get on with my crafty christmas collection!!!

I have managed to make a considerable amount of MINI fabric hearts now...some of which I have given away as small presents to friends...

Some of my christmas collection will consist of Fabric christmas tree decorations such as small hanging stars,stockings,mini trees etc

Apart form my busy fingers sewing, my mind creating and my soul contemplating...I have also enjoyed over the past 2 weeks spending time at BBQs, friends houses for meals, general socialsing, riding my bike, discussing God, holding cute babies and dancing my little heart out!!!

Any requests to purchase some christmas crafts from myself would be welcome please e-mail me on

Monday 16 August 2010

MiNi HeArTs...

After a week of riding around on new found obsession( New Bike),Picking plums, blackberries,generally enjoying the weather!! I began to think about new creations for decorative fabric brooches. Having already made a few hanging hearts, the idea of making MINI hearts came to mind.....

Today I got straight on with task and have managed to make some....not bad for a first try!!!! I will continue to broaded my attempt at these and experiment with different patterns,beads,etc!!! Also the quality of the mimi hearts I am hoping will improve with practice..
Surprisingly I have found the MINI hearts to be the most difficult to make so far due to they're small size, a little bit tricky and fiddly

My next design adventures with MINI hearts will be keyrings, scented and general acessories for bags,clothes,jackets,cardi's and anything else of choice.

I am also busy getting some camping stuff to go to a Together@Westpoint gathering organised by New Frontiers... This will be at Exeter show ground and will last for 4 days!!!! Things I still need to get are; Colourful/patterned wellies, Cag in bag, warm socks....

Any interest you may have in positivelycontributing to ideas for crafty creations or any commissions you would like then please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail